on the third day... look to the east.

fernando was found. held captive by his own imagination for days. his spoken spanish (which is two fold the amount of spanish understood by dear fernando) was limited to "uno mas" and "rapido." nothing to eat except the fine dining options of the most luxurious community in peru. no contact with his amigos and tribe membes save a sparatic facebook message left hastily between meals. indeed a hell for most men. Fernando was, however, quite content with his situation and treated our expansive search efforts with a hazy look of dissapointment and a casual "hello" with a half grin, obviously forced. We were now reunited however and even fernando was excited for our upcoming adventures. We made arrangements to escape the deep bone-filled catacombs and horn honking claustrophobia of the big city and head north. north to the andes.


posted by Josh Bowman on 6:27 AM

