Canada... Who Cares.

So Canada was not really our cup of tea. It doesn't have much going for it really. I mean I guess technically it was a beautiful drive but... their Mountain Dew contains no caffeine. Night two was spent at some hotsprings near Whitehorse which were pretty alright. However we woke up to even more snow the second day and decided, with only thirty hours left to go, we would bomb our way back to America singing Neil Diamond the entire way (and when I say the entire way I mean once right before we hit the border).

So... What I am telling you is that we drove the hell out of that Canadian highway. The responsibility fell onto Jason and I to drive all night, while Ben and Ashley slept in the backseat (for like 10 hours). Jason and I don't sleep much anyways because sleep is the cousin of death.

Things we saw in Canada: A ghost rider, A giant flame in the sky, and a red lightning storm.

The only thing the people working at the border said to us was... "You guys look tired."

One last note: Don't be fooled by the allure of ketchup flavored chips.


posted by Josh Bowman on 7:15 PM


Anonymous said...

thank you for that post. Canada was created to discouraged the hell out of you while you make your way to and from alaska.
