O' Canada... You'd be well inclined not to mess with me

What Jason remembers about today... Driving through Canada you can expect two things, crappy Coke and no caffeine in the Mt. Dew. Oh, 7/11 Tocitos, energy drinks, and Sour Patch Kids at 4 in the morning will keep you awake but are a bad combo.

Lucky, if I have a warrant out for my arrest, the Canadian Mounties were clueless. Suckers. They never saw it comin'. Although, it was pretty sketchy driving across the boarder with Ben's new haircut.

Below:  The long haul begins. We pick up a shady character.

Below:  Ben. Beards. Bagels

Below: Brian George finds guitar. Josh Bowman smashes guitar.

Below: Some guitar roastin'?

Below: To the death?

Below: 1st morning. A foreshadowing snowfall.

Below: Captain spotted napping with his first mate at the wheel.

Below: PB n' J bagel time.

Below: 2nd morning. The snow finds us again.

Below: Jacob and his adorable bike mobile.

Below: Dodgin' wildebeests.

Below: Badass.

Below: Going on 30 hours of driving and no sleep will make a
 guy do some crazy things.


posted by Jason Moffat on 12:50 AM

